Saturday, 9 May 2015

Why the Quality of drinking water is deteriorating in Malaysia?

Why the Quality of drinkng water is deteriorating in Malaysia? 

Our water sources in Malaysia are increasingly getting polluted. As a result the water we get is full of impurities and not fit for drinking.
River water, which is our primary source of water, gets contaminated due to various reasons such as direct disposal of sewage by municipalities, excessive discharge of industrial pollutants, use for daily chores like washing, bathing, livestock bathing, garbage disposal, etc.
Water sourced from groundwater too has deteriorated due to the excessive use of pesticides & insecticides in agricultural Malaysia, which seep into the groundwater as well as get washed away into the rivers. Decreasing levels of groundwater also attracts natural contaminants present in the earth such as Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, Heavy Metals, which make the water hard.
Our water suppliers are not well equipped to completely purify the water we drink. They are unable to remove harmful dissolved impurities as they use outdated methods of purification such as chlorination, various chemicals and filtration. The pipes in which the water is supplied are rusty which makes the supplied water polluted and the overhead tanks in which water is stored are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses as they are never cleaned.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Human Body Consist Mostly of Water

Your body is under constant daily assault by toxic substances, many of these substances are hard or impossible to completely avoid. But as we are learning the hard way through the explosion of degenerative diseases in the modern world, many chemicals, especially contaminants and dissolved impurities, can do much more harm to your body than good!

The water you drink is vital. Therefore it is necessary for you to secure a good, clean source of drinking water which is easily possible by installing a domestic water purification system in your house.

On a percentage basis our body is over 70 percent water. Pure water is the most important element in any detoxification program. Acting as solvent, transportant, and dispersant, ultra-pure water encourages cells to release stored toxins for elimination via liver and kidneys.

Clearly, the most efficient way to help your body both avoid and eliminate toxins is to provide your body with the cleanest, purest water you can find. And that may be more of a challenge than you think.

Water Purification Systems

In recent decades the quality of our drinking water has deteriorated significantly in Malaysia. Thankfully we now have visible and sustainable solutions to maintain the cleanliness of the water going into our homes and bodies.

Water purification is the process of removing suspended solids and gases, contaminants, and undesirable chemicals from drinking water. Water purifiers enable the process of water purification. There are many variants of water purifiers such as UV water purifiers, RO water purifiers, UF filtration and TDS control system.

Water Purification System is exclusive that makes sure that they remain the most efficient and advanced technology in the world.

Aqua Kent RO water purifiers are available in the Malaysian market with our best filtration system such as

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

UltraViolet (UF) Technology

Ultra Filtration (UF)

Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Control

Aqua Kent RO Malaysia is the only purification systems in Malaysia to provide with double purification of RO+UV+UF+TDS controller. This removes even dissolved impurities such as chemicals and salts. The TDS controller maintains essentials natural minerals, thereby providing 100% pure, safe and tasty drinking water, which is deal for consumption.

Aqua Kent RO Malaysia holds 1st position amongst top water purifiers in Malaysia. It has also been rewarded with highest level of certification for its products by renowned laboratories across the world.  The products adhere to not only national but international standards as well and serve as a benchmark for the water purification industry in Malaysia.