Saturday, 9 May 2015

Why the Quality of drinking water is deteriorating in Malaysia?

Why the Quality of drinkng water is deteriorating in Malaysia? 

Our water sources in Malaysia are increasingly getting polluted. As a result the water we get is full of impurities and not fit for drinking.
River water, which is our primary source of water, gets contaminated due to various reasons such as direct disposal of sewage by municipalities, excessive discharge of industrial pollutants, use for daily chores like washing, bathing, livestock bathing, garbage disposal, etc.
Water sourced from groundwater too has deteriorated due to the excessive use of pesticides & insecticides in agricultural Malaysia, which seep into the groundwater as well as get washed away into the rivers. Decreasing levels of groundwater also attracts natural contaminants present in the earth such as Arsenic, Fluoride, Lead, Heavy Metals, which make the water hard.
Our water suppliers are not well equipped to completely purify the water we drink. They are unable to remove harmful dissolved impurities as they use outdated methods of purification such as chlorination, various chemicals and filtration. The pipes in which the water is supplied are rusty which makes the supplied water polluted and the overhead tanks in which water is stored are breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses as they are never cleaned.

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